Board of County Commissioners Agenda July 17, 2024

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Board of County Commissioners of Lincoln County

Agenda for July 17, 2024

9:00 Call to order and Pledge of Allegiance
9:30 Tom Nestor, Lincoln County Sheriff, to discuss Sheriff’s Office vehicles
10:00 Thomas Lyle with GRS to discuss the Lincoln County Pension Plan 2023 GASB Report
10:30 Taylor Henderson, Project Developer with the Arriba Wind Farm, to provide updates
11:00 Ty Stogsdill, Land Use Administrator, to discuss land use matters
1:00 Anson Olmos, Program Delivery Manager with FEMA, to conduct a recovery transition meeting for the 2023 flooding event

-To be completed as time permits-
1. Approve the minutes from the July 8, 2024 meeting
2. Review June 2024 reports from the County Assessor, County Clerk & Recorder, County Sheriff, and County Treasurer
3. Review June 2024 Statement of Revenues and Expenditures for County General, Public Health, Capital Projects, Conservation Trust, E911, Landfill, Library, Lodging/Tourism, Human Services, Road & Bridge and Individual Road Districts
4. Review the June 2024 reports from the Colorado Counties Casualty and Property Pool and Workers’ Compensation Pool
5. Review and act upon an intergovernmental agreement with Southeast &; East Central Recycling Association
6. Review and act upon a Grant of Right-of-Way Request for Mountain View Electric Association, Inc.
7. County Commissioner reports
8. County Attorney’s report
9. County Administrator’s report
10. Old Business
11. New Business