Board of County Commissioners Agenda May 7, 2024

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Board of County Commissioners of Lincoln County   

Agenda for May 7, 2024


9:00     Call to order and Pledge of Allegiance

9:30     Travis Miller with RockSol Consulting Group, Inc. to provide updates on the Big Sandy Creek Bridge Rehab project

10:00   Casey Love, Administrative Assistant, to present survey results regarding the childcare need of Lincoln County employees

10:30   Review quotes for riprap and pipe for multiple FEMA funded projects

11:00   Ty Stogsdill, Land Use Administrator, to discus development permit fees 

11:30   BOCC to convene at the Lincoln County Roundhouse to inspect painting and concrete work

1:00     Approve Expense Vouchers

-To be completed as time permits-

  1. Approve the minutes from the April 29, 2024 meeting

  2. Review the employee timesheets for County Administrator Jacob Piper, Land Use Administrator Ty Stogsdill, Landfill Manager Allen Chubbuck, Weed Control Coordinator Patrick Leonard, Office of Emergency Management Director Ken Stroud, I.T. Director James Martin, and Public Health Director Kelly Meier 

  3. Review and act upon the County Veterans Service Officer’s Monthly Report and Certification of Pay

  4. Review and act upon Resolution #1122, a request for an ambulance service license for the Ellicott Fire Protection District

  5. County Commissioner reports

  6. County Attorney’s report

  7. County Administrator’s report

  8. Old Business

  9. New Business