Board of County Commissioners Agenda May 16, 2024

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Board of County Commissioners of Lincoln County  

Agenda for May 16, 2024

9:00     Call to order and Pledge of Allegiance

9:30     Travis Miller with RockSol Consulting Group, Inc. to discuss potential in-kind work on the Big Sandy Creek Bridge Rehab project

10:30   Review quotes for riprap and pipe for multiple FEMA funded projects

11:00   Ty Stogsdill, Land Use Administrator, to discuss Land Use matters

-To be completed as time permits-

1.      Approve the minutes from the May 7, 2024 meeting

2.      Review April 2024 reports from the County Assessor, County Clerk & Recorder, County Sheriff, and County Treasurer

3.      Review April 2024 Statement of Revenues and Expenditures for County General, Public Health, Capital Projects, Conservation Trust, E911, Landfill, Library, Lodging/Tourism, Human Services, Road & Bridge and Individual Road Districts

4.      Review the April 2024 reports from the Colorado Counties Casualty and Property Pool and Workers’ Compensation Pool

5.      Review and act upon Resolution #1123; a resolution for the renewal of the ambulance service licenses for Community Ambulance Service, Incorporated, located in Arriba, Flagler, and Seibert, Colorado

6.      Review the Lincoln County Employee Pension Plan 2023 GASB Statement No. 68

7.      County Commissioner reports

8.      County Attorney’s report

9.      County Administrator’s report

10.  Old Business

11.  New Business