Bid Project BRO C330-013 (26222)

Date: August 22, 2024

Project Number: BRO C330-013 (26222)

Proposal / Bid Title: Lincoln County Big Sandy Creek Bridge Rehabilitation Project

Proposals Will Be Received Until: September 12, 2024, 11:00 a.m., MST


Mandatory pre-bid meeting on September 4th at 10AM via Zoom.

Meeting ID: 823 1130 4944 Passcode: 952775

Submit Proposals to: lcadmin@lincolncountyco.us 

Contact Address: P.O. Box 39, Hugo, CO 80821

Contact Individual for Additional Information: 

Jacob Piper, County Administrator

(719) 743-2810



If any of the documents listed above are missing from this package, they may be picked up at the Lincoln County Administrator’s Office located in the Lincoln County Courthouse at 103 3rd Ave. Hugo, CO 80821. If you require additional information, call Jacob Piper at (719) 743-2810 or lcadmin@lincolncountyco.us .