The Lincoln County Departments are on a 2 hour delay


County Clerk & Recorder


  • Office Hours for the FIRST THURSDAY of each month will be: 9:00 AM to 4:30 PM.  
  • Severe weather conditions may result in office closures. Please call 719-743-2444 for updates.
  • Renew Driver's License or License Plates Online at

If you prefer to avoid the courthouse:

  • Continue to mail license plate renewals (with valid proof of insurance if required) to
    PO Box 67, Hugo, CO 80821.
  • Renew license plates OR driver’s licenses at
  • If submitting documents for recording, please use our e-recording services (listed under Recording on this website) or the USPS.  Mail to the address above.  If you must drop them off in-person, please feel free to do so using the courthouse protocol.
  • We strongly encourage researchers to check for documents online at www.thecountyrecorder.comResearchers must have an appointment to come do research, call (719) 743-2444 to schedule.
  • If you need to update your voter registration; such as changing your name, address, or party affiliation, visit or contact our office and we’ll mail you a form.

The goal of the Lincoln County Clerk and Recorder's Office is to deliver services to Lincoln County residents through the use of applicable Colorado legislation and Secretary of State Rule, and to do so in the most judicious, cost efficient, and secure manner possible, while treating them with courtesy and respect.


Clerk & Recorder: Corinne M. Lengel

Chief Deputy: Mindy

Deputy County Clerk: Wendy

Deputy County Clerk: Ryan

Deputy County Clerk: Cody

Driver Examiner: Tim

Finance Director: Andrea

For the Record Clerk's Column

The office of the Clerk and Recorder is responsible for the following departments:

Clerk & Recorder

Corinne M. Lengel

photo of Lincoln County Clerk Corinne M. Lengel

Office Hours
8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m

719-743-2444 - Office
719-743-2524 - Fax

General Questions - Corinne M. Lengel

103 3rd Avenue
PO Box 67
Hugo, CO 80821

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Expired Temp Tag

If you have not registered your vehicle before the tag's expiration date, you will have to pay late fees.

Colorado law (C.R.S 42-3-103) requires vehicle owners to register vehicles within 60 days after purchase. If the vehicle owner fails to do so, the owner will have to pay a late fee. The late fee is $25 per month, or part of a month, for each month the vehicle is not registered (CRS 42-3-112).

House Bill 22-1254(opens in new window) removed the late fee exemption on expired temporary tags on Jan. 1, 2023. If your temporary tag has expired and you have not registered your vehicle or have a new temporary tag, you will collect late fees.

Vehicle owners with expired temporary tags also risk tickets or fines from Law Enforcement.

State-Printed Motor Vehicle Renewals

As of January 1, 2014, the State of Colorado began printing and mailing motor vehicle renewal cards in conjunction with the NCOA (National Change of Address) instituted by the U.S. Postal Service.  Due to this fact, if you have put in a change of address with the post office, Lincoln County registration records may no longer match, resulting in possible non-deliverance of your renewal cards. Please understand the county no longer has any control over these mailings and is not responsible for renewal cards not being delivered, or consequent late fees that may apply should you not receive your cards. 

Online Services
Registration Fees

Proof of Insurance must be shown before vehicle registration will be issued.

Sales Tax

The following will be collected on all new motor vehicle and trailer purchases:

  • 2.9% Colorado sales tax
  • 2% Lincoln County sales tax
  • 2% Hugo resident city sales tax
  • 2.75% Limon resident city sales tax 
Special License Plates

Special License Plates are not available in office, and will be printed on demand as they are issued and will be mailed to you.

Buying/Selling a Vehicle

Keep Colorado Wild Parks Pass

Click here or more information about the Keep Colorado Wild parks pass

Duplicate Title 
  • Duplicate Title Fee - $8.20
  • Duplicate titles are available in office with proof of identification or request one online
  • If vehicle previously had a loan you may be required to show that the lien has been released. 
Chattel Mortgage Recording Fee
  • $5.00 per page (letter or legal-sized paper)
  • $20.00 total fee if larger than letter or legal-sized
Recently Moved
Joint Tenancy with Rights of Survivorship

Effective March 1, 2011:
C.R.S. 38-11-101 declares that multiple owners of vehicles must declare their intent to title the vehicle in Joint Tenancy with Rights of Survivorship or Tenancy in Common. Every individual owner must acknowledge their choice and sign the new JOINT TENANCY WITH RIGHTS OF SURVIVORSHIP ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF INTENT form (DR 2395). The forms are available here or at the County Clerk’s office. Print and fill out the form with no erasures and submit it with your new title applications. If the DR2395 is not submitted, the title will be marked TENANCY IN COMMON. Call with questions.

HVUT (Heavy Vehicle Use Tax)

All vehicles over 8,000 pounds empty weight and all tractors must, by Federal law, declare a gross vehicle weight as a prerequisite to registration and/or renewal. If the GVW is 55,000 lbs. or more, compliance with the Federal HVUT must be attached to the county's renewal notice. Compliance may be either (1) Receipted copy of IRS Tax Form 2290/Schedule 1, or (2) IRS Tax Form 2290/Schedule 1 and photo copy of the front and back of the cancelled check to the IRS.


New: You can now register a name to be monitored when documents are recorded. If a name match is found the registrant is notified by email about the name match. Register here!

Documents relating to the sale and purchase of property, UCC Financing Statements, affidavits, oil and gas documents, marriage licenses, and DD214 – military discharge papers—are a few of the documents recorded in this office.

Important News: New Recording Fees Starting January 1, 2017
SB16-115 passed creating the Electronic Recording Technology Board. (ERTB) The ERTB has set an additional $2 electronic filing surcharge for a period of 5 years January 1, 2017 – December 31, 2021

In addition to the current $1 filing surcharge, the ERTB approved an additional $2 filing surcharge, bringing the total filing surcharge to $3 per recorded document

Starting on January 1, 2017 Colorado recording fees will be calculated as follows:

  1. $13 for the first page and $5 for each additional page for all recorded documents
  2. For every filing surcharge collected, a county will retain $1 and transfer $2 to the Electronic Recording Technology Fund
  3. The Electronic Recording Technology Fund will award grants to counties to establish, maintain, improve, or replace their electronic filing system


Phone: 719-743-2444
E-Mail: Wendy Pottorff

14-2-107 C.R.S. – Licenses to marry shall be issued by the county clerk and recorder only during the hours that the office of the county clerk and recorder is open as prescribed by law and at no other time, and such license shall show the exact date and hour of their issue.  A license shall not be valid for use outside the state of Colorado.  Within the state, such licenses shall not be valid for more than thirty-five days after the date of issue.  If any license to marry is not used within the thirty-five days, it is void and shall be returned to the county clerk and recorder for cancellation.

Applications for marriage and/or civil union certificates may be obtained at the Clerk’s office between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.  Licenses and certificates will not be issued after hours, or on weekends or holidays, so persons wishing to obtain a marriage license or civil union certificate must arrive by 4:00 p.m. during regular work days to ensure completion of the transaction. The cost of a marriage license or civil union is $30, payable by cash, credit card or local check. 

Please review the full list of requirements before beginning your application.

Proof of Age
  • 16 and 17 – Consent form from both parents, or the parent having sole legal custody, or guardian, or judicial approval is required. If one or both parents cannot appear at the time of applying, an absentee application may be completed and notarized ahead of time.
  • Under 16 – Consent form from both parents, or the parent who has legal custody or with whom the child is living and judicial approval (court order) are required. The court order must be obtained in the county where judicial approval has been granted.
Date of Issuance
  • Licenses issued more than 35 days before the date of the ceremony will not be valid
Absentee Affidavit
  • Both parties must appear in person for the license to be issued. If this is not possible, one party must appear with a completed and notarized absentee affidavit and a legible copy of the ID used for the notary by the non-appearing party.
Previously Divorced
  • If either party has been divorced the following information must be provided:
    • Date of the divorce
    • Type of court where the divorce took place
    • The city and state where the divorce occurred
Valid Only in Colorado
  • Applicants for a license do not need to be Colorado residents
  • Licenses issued in Colorado are only valid for use in Colorado
  • Once the marriage or civil union has been solemnized, the license must be returned to the issuing County Clerk for recording within 63 days from the date of the ceremony or a late fee will be assessed.
Social Security Number

Social Security Number is required, if an applicant does not have a social security number, an affidavit provided by the Clerk’s Office must be signed stating that the party does not have a social security number.

Completing the License
  • Once the marriage or civil union has been solemnized, the license must be returned to the issuing County Clerk for recording within 63 days from the date of the ceremony or a late fee will be assessed.
Proxy Marriage

(IV) (b)     If a party to a marriage is unable to be present for the solemnization, the absent party may authorize in writing a third person to act as the absent party’s proxy for purposes of solemnization of the marriage, if the absent party is:
(I)     A member of the armed forces of the United States who is stationed in another country or in another state in support of combat or another military operation; or
(II)     An individual who is a government contractor, or an employee of a government contractor, working in support of the armed forces of the United States or in support of United Stated military operations in another country or in another state and who supplies proper identification of that status.

The requirements for applying for a marriage license for a proxy marriage are the following: 

  1. One party to the proxy marriage is a resident of the state of Colorado;
  2. One party to the proxy marriage appears in person to apply for the marriage license and pays the fees required in section 14-2-106 (I) C.R.S.;
  3. The signatures of both parties to the proxy marriage are required, and the party present shall sign the marriage license application, as prescribed in section 14-2-105 (2) C.R.S., and provide an absentee affidavit form, as prescribed by the state registrar, containing the notarized signature of the absent party, along with proper identification documents as specified in section 14-2-105 (1) (a) for the absent party.



Lincoln County plat maps are available at the Clerk's Office, or by calling 1-402-494-8300


  • For information regarding birth and death certificates, please contact the Public Health office at 719-743-2526.


Driver Examiner:  Tim Hilferty
See department link for further information