Bid Project - Roundhouse Concrete Removal

Lincoln County, Colorado is requesting bids for the removal of concrete in the Lincoln County Roundhouse, located in Hugo, Colorado.

Work will consist of the removal of 7 concrete pits within the Lincoln County Roundhouse. The concrete will need to be removed from the pits to allow for 20 inches of fill to be compacted under the designed flooring. Lincoln County will retain the concrete after the removal. Work will have to be scheduled in accordance with an archaeologist who has been contracted to oversee historical ground disturbance in the Roundhouse. 

A project walkthrough is scheduled for March 28, 2025 at 2:00 PM.  

Bidders must submit the name of their company, bid price, and estimated amount of time to perform the work. The successful bidder will be required to submit proof of worker’s compensation, and liability insurance, and will be required to enter into a contract with Lincoln County before the work commences.  

Bids must be submitted to the County Administrator’s Office located in the Lincoln County Courthouse at 103 3rd Avenue, Hugo, Colorado 80821 or by mail to P.O. Box 39, Hugo Colorado 80821, by bid opening at 9:30 A.M. on April 7, 2025. Lincoln County reserves the right to reject any and all bids. 

Date: March 14, 2025

Project Proposal / Bid Title: Lincoln County Roundhouse Concrete Removal

Proposals Will Be Received Until: April 7, 2025, 9:30 AM MST 

The schedule is approximate, and shown below:

March 28, 2025 at 2:00 PM – Project Walkthrough at Lincoln County Roundhouse

April 7,2025 – Bid Opening at 9:30 AM at Lincoln County Courthouse

Submit Proposals to: 
Lincoln County Board of County Commissioners
Attn: Jacob Piper, County Administrator
P.O. Box 39
Hugo, CO 80821-0039
or digitally to lcadmin@lincolncountyco.us 

Contact Individual for Additional Information: 

Jacob Piper, County Administrator

(719) 743-2810



If any of the documents listed above are missing from this package, they may be picked up at the Lincoln County Administrator’s Office located in the Lincoln County Courthouse at 103 3rd Ave. Hugo, CO 80821. If you require additional information, call Jacob Piper at (719) 743-2810 or lcadmin@lincolncountyco.us .

Documents Included in This Package: