In observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day, office's will be closed Monday.


Organizations & Resources

Clubs & Organizations

Eastern Plains Safe Shelter ( Lincoln County)
Private non profit

Women's Crisis & Outreach Center ( Douglas County)

(Hugo Improvement Partnership)

Limon Child Development Center/Limon Head Start
Preschool and child care for children ages 3-5 years old.  1741 9th Street in Limon, for more information call 719-775-0222

Limon High School Alumni Association
Call 719-740-0196 for more information on the annual Limon Homecoming Celebration

(Lincoln County Fatherhood Initiative)

Lincoln County Tourism

Lincoln Lodge #146 A.F. & A.M.
Masonic Lodge meets 1st Monday of each month except June through September at the Lodge Hall in Limon, 215 F Avenue, for more information, call 719-740-0196

Morgan Community College
Limon Branch Office

Roundhouse Preservation Inc.
P.O. Box 343, Hugo CO 80821

Regional Resources

Centennial Mental Health

East Central Council of Governments
Serving Lincoln, Cheyenne, Kit Carson & Elbert Counties

Eastern Colorado Services for the Developmentally Disabled

Lincoln County Economic Development Corporation
To provide leadership in developing and maintaining a stable and diversified economy through job creation, growth of commerce, and promotion of new and existing businesses.
Email Contact, 719-775-9070

Prairie Development Corporation
Serving Lincoln, Cheyenne, Kit Carson & Elbert Counties

Plains to Peaks RETAC
Serving Lincoln, Cheyenne, Kit Carson, El Paso & Teller Counties

Colorado East Community Action Agency
Serving Lincoln, Cheyenne, Elbert & Kit Carson Counties
P.O. Box 416, 310 Kansas Ave.
Stratton, CO 80836